Our track record as a point-of-care patient education specialist is vastly superior

  • Over 2000

    patients surveyed

  • 80%

    average readership

  • 60%

    average rate of action

Ongoing research with patients, physicians and pharmacists enables us to build on our record of success.


Exit surveys with patients

help us gauge performance and guide our improvement efforts


In-depth interviews with health professionals

add insight to our content development approach

What health professionals are saying about our programs

A lot of patients have been coming in and asking

Saves me time having to ask patients all of the questions

Patients bring in the tear-off sheets

It helps diagnose patients

The poster works as a wake-up call

Patients want to know more about available treatments

It’s good practice – part of preventive care

It reinforces what I am doing

I prefer this over the screens that have advertising

Patients are more open to talk about it

It’s good information

I find this great